Proxmox VE 3.0 RC2 released!

Re: 3.0 RC2 update cause WebGUI login problem ?!

I guess something cleared the cache on the squid proxy.
But why pve-api-daemon/3.0 thought it must response via squid ?
Notice the responses header "Via"
Re: 3.0 RC2 update cause WebGUI login problem ?!

I can reproduce the WEBGUI login problem again.
export http_proxy=
aptitude update && aptitude full-upgrade

Then Login https://pvehost:8006/

Solved by unset http_proxy ENV and restart pveproxy.

What commands were runned after aptitude upgrade "pve-cluster pve-manager qemu-server" ?
So I can reproduce this problem.

thanks for your patience
Re: 3.0 RC2 update cause WebGUI login problem ?!

IMHO this is simply a caching problem on the proxy. I assume it works if you clear the cache on the proxy?
I don't think so.
Maybe the pveproxy should ignore ENV like "http_proxy" ?

2.3 use apache never has this kind problem.
Re: 3.0 RC2 update cause WebGUI login problem ?!

Oh, you set http_proxy on the CLI - will assemble a patch to ignore it

Just uploaded a fixed version to the pve repository. Please can you test if it works now? (fixed in pve-manager 3.0-20)
Re: 3.0 RC2 update cause WebGUI login problem ?!

Just uploaded a fixed version to the pve repository. Please can you test if it works now? (fixed in pve-manager 3.0-20)
Have tested, works. Login with no problem.