Proxmox run selected VM's trough a VPN


New Member
Aug 26, 2023
So my situation/need is as follows:

I have a proxmox server that is going to run 16 VMs.
The first 8 VMs can run on my own network and have my public IP (with each their own portforwarding in my router for public access)
The other 8 VMs need to use a different public IP, namely the IP at my parents house where each VPN needs to get ports via UPNP from their router.

I can set up a wireguard VPN server at my parents house.

Now here is the catch:
The 8 VM's can not individually run the VPN connector software.
This means that i need to have some sort of solution where all 8 VM's connect to a separte virtual network maybe and create a new VM as a host for the VPN connector software to run on?
Is that even possible?

It would be amazing if somebody could help me with some how-to's or documentation on this usecase.

Thanks in advace
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I think the limitation comes from WireGuard, which requires you to specify a static IP for each connection. You can't have all 8 of your machines with the same IP. I believe if you set up 8 different connections and assign them to each VM, it might work. Or you could try testing with OpenVPN, which doesn't have this limitation.
I think you need a site-to-site tunnel to connect your 8 vms to your parents' network.
I have never implemented such a solution but I think you would have to set up a vm with a Wireguard server on your Proxmox and create a site-to-site tunnel to the remote router. The traffic of the 8 vms will then have to be routed towards the tunnel.
Maybe this documentation could be useful to you :