Good evening,
Unfortunately I can't get IPv6 to work over my OPNsense VM hosted in Proxmox v7.
My config:
IPv6 in Proxmox must have specific configuration to be enable and workable?
I appreciate any help you can give me.
Thanks in advance.
Good for you,
Unfortunately I can't get IPv6 to work over my OPNsense VM hosted in Proxmox v7.
My config:
- Freebox pop (ISP box) in bridge mode
- OPNsense VM on a Proxmox 7
- 2.5 Gbps Eth NIC for WAN
- Leap of 2 Eth 1Gb/s network cards for the LAN
- Multi-Vlan on the LAN (LAN1, LAN2, LAN3...)
- Everything works perfectly in IPv4
- Need IPv6 for Freebox pop TV box on 3 LAN (Vlan)
- Nexthop ok on the box / Static IPv6 on WAN and LAN
- Publication of RA router in "router only" mode on WAN and "assisted" on LAN
- Traffic allow rule created
- IPv6 communication does not go from LAN to WAN (no worries with IPv4)
- IPv6 DNS resolution OK
- From OPNsense (interface/diagnostics/ping):
- in IPv6 and default source and/or WAN:
- ping ok of the OPNsense IPv6 interfaces, the Freebox IPv6 (gateway) and the external IPv6 servers (like Google DNS or
- in IPv6 and LANx source
- ping ok of OPNsense LANx/WAN IPv6 interfaces, IPv6 of my workstation on LANx.
- no IPv6 ping from the Freebox (gateway) and external IPv6 servers (like DNS Google or
- in IPv6 and default source and/or WAN:
- From LANx in IPv6:
- OPNsense LAN1 LAN2 and WAN interface ping ok.
- no ping from the Freebox, nor anything outside.
- From the Proxmox (on LAN):
- ping ok from different OPNsense LANx legs
- but no ping on the WAN leg, and even not on the gateway (router) and on the IPv6 websites
IPv6 in Proxmox must have specific configuration to be enable and workable?
I appreciate any help you can give me.
Thanks in advance.
Good for you,