Proxmox Encryption Configuration Question

How do you try to add it?

Its "Datacenter -> Storage -> Add -> LVM-Thin" for the commands above. If the LUKS container is unlocked with cryptsetup luksOpen --allow-discards /dev/disk/by-id/myUUID-part1 lukslvm (you can run cryptsetup status /dev/mapper/lukslvm to verify that it is unlocked) there should be "vgluks" as volume group and "lvthin" as Thin Pool selectable.
I think I spoke too soon. These steps work and I can add the volume but when it comes to creating a new VM I cannot select this as a storage option. Only ‘local’ is appearing…
Could we not use lvthin without the allow discards flag? Wouldn’t that be the best of both worlds?
Without discard the guest will never tell the host to delete something. So nothing will be deleted at all and just overwritten. LVMthin is technically not working without discard because you don't got fixed allocation sizes.

I think I spoke too soon. These steps work and I can add the volume but when it comes to creating a new VM I cannot select this as a storage option. Only ‘local’ is appearing…
But you enabled the content types "Disk image" and "Container" for that storage?
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But you enabled the content types "Disk image" and "Container" for that storage?
Yes, the issue is it does not appear as an option when creating a new VM (or anything else). Do I need to set a path or file system or something? I never had this issue in the past when not using encrypted disk unless I formatted the disk first…
Do I need to set a path or file system or something? I never had this issue in the past when not using encrypted disk unless I formatted the disk first…
Are you sure that the storage is mounted? Whats the output of lvs and cryptsetup status /dev/mapper/yourLUKS?
Are you sure that the storage is mounted? Whats the output of lvs and cryptsetup status /dev/mapper/yourLUKS?
Sorry, thanks for being patient with my n00bery, it was my own fault looking in the wrong place lol, it was working all along as first thought. The drive was showing as full but I erased and started again and all is well.
Is it absolutely necessary to create logical volumes as the drive can be used by Proxmox for VM storage without explicitly creating any?
I tried the setup mentioned above but i cant add the storage.
the "lvs" command show the thin pool and "cryptsetup status /dev/mapper/luksF" says active and in use.
did i miss anything??
if i unlock the volume and click on the node in the webgui i can see the volume under LVM-Thin tab. But i cant store anything on there and it is not visible on the left where other folders/storages are
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I tried the setup mentioned above but i cant add the storage.
the "lvs" command show the thin pool and "cryptsetup status /dev/mapper/luksF" says active and in use.
did i miss anything??
if i unlock the volume and click on the node in the webgui i can see the volume under LVM-Thin tab. But i cant store anything on there and it is not visible on the left where other folders/storages are
You need to add it under the Datacenter and it also has to be clear of a file system if I remember correctly. @Dunuin can you confirm this?
I tried adding in in the datacenter storage tab. sadly it doesnt even let me select the correct volume group.
i followed the instructions posted on the first page, but i selected my disk/partition by /dev/sdx1 instead of its id. that should not make a difference tho...
I actually just tried selecting the disk by-id. that makes no difference. i can see in in the storage tab for the node, but i cant store VMs on it nor can i add it as a storage in the datacenter storage tab.
I tried adding in in the datacenter storage tab. sadly it doesnt even let me select the correct volume group.
i followed the instructions posted on the first page, but i selected my disk/partition by /dev/sdx1 instead of its id. that should not make a difference tho...
I also found this tricky the first time but I believe that is where you do it. Are you trying to add as Directory storage?
I actually just tried selecting the disk by-id. that makes no difference. i can see in in the storage tab for the node, but i cant store VMs on it nor can i add it as a storage in the datacenter storage tab.
I find it easier if you map first and then put the path to map rather than disk by-id. Sadly mine is down at the moment so I can’t take a look and get some screenshots.