Proxmox dies on restorin VM


New Member
Jun 15, 2021
So I had a an issue with one of my VM, so I started restoring it from a backup. The VM is 1,6Tb it was supposed to be on a single 4Tb NVME drive. The restore hang after 2 hours on 83% and I lost all metrics for Proxmox. So I decided to restart the proxmox machine. Now it's hang or idk perhaps doing something on "A start job is runnin for ZFS pools by cache file" for more then 12 hours.... So my question would be, how the actuall f@ck could Proxmox manage to kill it self on a VM restore? Is my Proxmox ever coming back, just leave it there for days or should I wipe every drive in it and install it from scratch. And what can I do in the future to avoid such a catastrophic failure?