Proxmox claiming MAC address

I got 3 VMS and i fixed after many hours all with this Script, because Proxmox Claim MAC's fom Network.

I simply set the Main-Mac to all tap-Instances
With Crontab i execute this script every Minute and its logging changes
If anyone change something in Network of VMS, it creates a new tap-Instance and my script set this back to the correct MAC

Hope, this help everyone


tap100=$(ip addr show tap100i0 | grep "link/ether" | awk '{print $2}' | cut -d/ -f1)
if [ $tap100 != "MY:AW:SO:ME:AD:RR" ]
   echo "tap100 is NOT MY:AW:SO:ME:AD:RR CHANGING NOW"
   echo [$(date +"%d.%m.%Y-%H:%M:%S")][tap100] Set Mac to MY:AW:SO:ME:AD:RR  >> mac-fix.log
   ip link set dev tap100i0 down
   ip link set dev tap100i0 address MY:AW:SO:ME:AD:RR
   ip link set dev tap100i0 up
   echo "tap100 is MY:AW:SO:ME:AD:RR"

tap200=$(ip addr show tap200i0 | grep "link/ether" | awk '{print $2}' | cut -d/ -f1);
if [ $tap200 != "MY:AW:SO:ME:AD:RR" ]
   echo "tap200 is NOT MY:AW:SO:ME:AD:RR CHANGING NOW"
   echo [$(date +"%d.%m.%Y-%H:%M:%S")][tap200] Set Mac to MY:AW:SO:ME:AD:RR  >> mac-fix.log
   ip link set dev tap200i0 down
   ip link set dev tap200i0 address MY:AW:SO:ME:AD:RR
   ip link set dev tap200i0 up
   echo "tap200 is MY:AW:SO:ME:AD:RR"

tap500=$(ip addr show tap500i0 | grep "link/ether" | awk '{print $2}' | cut -d/ -f1);
if [ $tap500 != "MY:AW:SO:ME:AD:RR" ]
   echo "tap500 is NOT MY:AW:SO:ME:AD:RR CHANGING NOW"
   echo [$(date +"%d.%m.%Y-%H:%M:%S")][tap500] Set Mac to MY:AW:SO:ME:AD:RR  >> mac-fix.log
   ip link set dev tap500i0 down
   ip link set dev tap500i0 address MY:AW:SO:ME:AD:RR
   ip link set dev tap500i0 up
   echo "tap500 is MY:AW:SO:ME:AD:RR"

Best will be, if is possible to define static-MAC's for the tap-Instances
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@proxmox Team: aside from the workarounds presented here: doesnt't this qualify for a general solution (patch) in PVE as there are a number of affected customers with running PVE servers on Hetzner? I am surprised that this thread dates back to 2019 and there still is no "real" solution (at least it looks like that) ...
we have the same issue, icluding an abuse message from hetzner.
I just installed the update for the pve-firewall from Post #59, now i'm waitng for the next hetzner check.

Greetings Daniel

Edit: Hetzner closed the ticket, everyfing seems to be fine
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we have the same issue, icluding an abuse message from hetzner.
I just installed the update for the pve-firewall from Post #59, now i'm waitng for the next hetzner check.

Greetings Daniel

Edit: Hetzner closed the ticket, everyfing seems to be fine
it it possible to install this update without subscription?
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Can this be available for Proxmox 6.4 too ?
I have asked to pve-devel mailing list, but maybe can you requesit it yourself ? (pve-user, proxmox bugzilla, ...)
The above package is for Proxmox 7
"maybe" it could work, I don't have checked the dependencies.

you can hack yourself if you want, it's only 2 lines removal.;hpb=dcdbb559323c132897426073391ed18a838df024

I think if a new version is coming later, the patch will be included.
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we have the same issue, icluding an abuse message from hetzner.
I just installed the update for the pve-firewall from Post #59, now i'm waitng for the next hetzner check.

Greetings Daniel

Edit: Hetzner closed the ticket, everyfing seems to be fine
so just upgrading Proxmox to 7 and making sure pve-firewall 4.2-3 is installed will fix the issues with Hetzner, you think?
Or do i still need to add some firewall drop then?
I ran into an ugly problem during upgrade PVE 6.4 > 7 and following, I first upgraded ifupdown >> ifupdown2 on the 6.4 and debian 10. The package update failed somehow which resulted in an inaccessible server. The whole networking including the primary network card and vmbr's was down. The only way to access it was with an external console (Hetzner KVM Konsole). The fix was a manual dpkg re-installation of ifupdown2.

But, on the other hand, it looks as if already the update to ifupdown2 helps. The big switch to debian 11 and PVE 7 can be done in a second step.


we have the same trouble, I tried a lot to drop the traffic with iptables and ebtabels every times the solve check from hetzner results in ok, but after some days the problem war’s back with new MACs.

Now, I fixed it by activating the hetzner firewall (in robot) and replaced the default „allow all rule“ with rules to only allow our static IPs as destination. It seams to be fine, also the inbound traffic (tcpdump ether host MAC) seams to be droped directly by hetzner.
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we have the same trouble, I tried a lot to drop the traffic with iptables and ebtabels every times the solve check from hetzner results in ok, but after some days the problem war’s back with new MACs.

Now, I fixed it by activating the hetzner firewall (in robot) and replaced the default „allow all rule“ with rules to only allow our static IPs as destination. It seams to be fine, also the inbound traffic (tcpdump ether host MAC) seams to be droped directly by hetzner.

In my case the update to Debian Bullseye 11 and PVE 7.0.11 is now finished. According to Hetzner staff the MAC problem is solved.

Would be nice if we can see a statement from proxmox guys here. This bug is causing big trouble when using PVE 6.x in a hosted environment.
Now, I fixed it by activating the hetzner firewall (in robot) and replaced the default „allow all rule“ with rules to only allow our static IPs as destination. It seams to be fine, also the inbound traffic (tcpdump ether host MAC) seams to be droped directly by hetzner.
Great to known that ti's possible to configure it. I think it should really be done for any hetzner bridged setup.
(I still don't understand why they don't filter it by default ...)

I'm currently working on a final solution to avoid bad traffic coming inside the server, with disabling promiscuous mode, and configure static macs on vmbrX bridge. should be done in 1 or 2 week.

we have the same trouble, I tried a lot to drop the traffic with iptables and ebtabels every times the solve check from hetzner results in ok, but after some days the problem war’s back with new MACs.

Now, I fixed it by activating the hetzner firewall (in robot) and replaced the default „allow all rule“ with rules to only allow our static IPs as destination. It seams to be fine, also the inbound traffic (tcpdump ether host MAC) seams to be droped directly by hetzner.
Can you share screen with your rules in Robot Firewall?
Can you share screen with your rules in Robot Firewall?
It's very simple, I created a screenshot replace <Your IP 1 - 5> with your public IP that you can find at the first tab "IPs". The name filed is irrelevant choose everything that describe your rule.


  • Bildschirmfoto 2021-09-23 um 13.10.26.png
    Bildschirmfoto 2021-09-23 um 13.10.26.png
    319.8 KB · Views: 175
It's very simple, I created a screenshot replace <Your IP 1 - 5> with your public IP that you can find at the first tab "IPs". The name filed is irrelevant choose everything that describe your rule.
Hi. thank you for sharing.
Only incoming rules? outgoing are not necessary?

This solution is still working over days and weeks?

Thank you.
It's very simple, I created a screenshot replace <Your IP 1 - 5> with your public IP that you can find at the first tab "IPs". The name filed is irrelevant choose everything that describe your rule.
Please let me know if this solution is still working for you!

Thank you!