What this script does is to provide you with a similar but limited functionalty to vzdump. End result.. files can be restored by vsrestore and qmrestore.
hcpdump all -> backs up all vms
hcpdump 100 -> backs up machine 100
Few things..
put the hcpdump.conf into /etc/ and adjust to suit.
put the hcpdump somewhere like /usr/local/bin/
Important to understand a few things. This will only backup machines stored in /var/lib/vz/
This is how my environment works - so have not mad it any fancier
It is no accident. We got some big systems where our data change rapid. So there are running several systems on one host system. If one admin need a snapshot and a backup is running the system gets instable and hang. My experience, everyhing is possible and I want to find a solution for very special situations.
I will post my script, if it works perfect.