Proxmox API + Postman


New Member
Oct 29, 2019
Hi guys.
I'm starting with proxmox, i need authenticate with PVEAuthCookie in Postam, but he return Status: 401 No ticket.
In authentication in POST I succeed but in GET i have error.
Can yout help-me?

Login with success!


Return nodes with error

The ticket must be passed along as "real" cookie, but you pass it along as GET "query" parameter, our API does not checks those at all (as GET params should not have sensible information anyway).

Postman should allow to "set" cookies too, just create one.
In the near future (PVE 6.1, end of this year) we'll also allow to pass the ticket along with the "Authentication" header, so it should be a little bit easier for some API clients which have no possibility to set cookies (if they're in a browser context, which forbids that - as cookies are only headers)
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Reactions: willuhlmann
I’m trying to do something related to this, the problem is that I try to create a user but I miss an error 401 permission denied by csrf invalid token but do not know how to fix it.