Proxmox API - get Console working


May 21, 2020

I'm using Proxmox VE 7.0 and I'm trying to write my own GUI interface.
I have Proxmox on the local machine with Nginx proxy with SSL.

Everything going well, all API endpoints are well documented and working fine, but I'm stuck on to get noVNC console to work.

For auth I'm using API Token with full privileges.

1. FIrst of all I successfully open vnc proxy with websocket support
/api2/json/nodes/{node}/qemu/{vmid}/vncproxy (websocket parameter in body set to true)

And I successfully get VNCTicket with Port number

2. Then I wanna connect to this websocket with
/api2/json/nodes/{node}/qemu/{vmid}/vncwebsocket (with parameters vncticket and port from previous call - the exactly same format, what are Proxmox GUI call)

But every time I want to establish a connection I got - Connection closed (code: 1006) and VNC proxy on Proxmox is closed right after this call.
I know there is 10s limit, to create the connection, I got like 1-2 seconds delay after opening VNC Proxy and first trying to open noVNC Console connection.

Can you please point me to where the mistake can be, please?