Hi, we have shifted from SolusVM to Proxmox 2.0 RC1, and i must say we are in love!
Great job Proxmox team!
We have a few things we have come across in our testing 2.0 RC1 out Hope it helps.
Bugs Found:
Kind Regards
Great job Proxmox team!
We have a few things we have come across in our testing 2.0 RC1 out Hope it helps.
Bugs Found:
- Shows wrong amount of system (Server node) RAM Our server ScreenShots below shows the RAM found (server has 24GB Total)
- OVZ Memory usage total show the difference from Vswap-total to Mem-total! (eg. 4GB Vswap and 4GB of memory shows 0kb of VM memory)
- Manual backup deletes all backup even it set to X numbers of backups.
- Have a checkbox "Delete previous"
- Should NOT overwrite older backups by default
- IP Management
- A list of IPs with MAC and routing information.
- See which IPs are free and which are in use.
- Eliminate the issue of one IP being used twice!
- Ability to change OS (eg. reinstall) on the fly
- So the CT does not need to be destroyed and therefore can keep the settings.
- Possibilty to create a cluster for migration and backup WITHOUT having to use multicast (eg. across datacenters)
- Just like the older 1.9 Proxmox cluster
- Ability to choose between the two cluster modes.
- Making a note or typing a hostname with every IP assigned to a VM/CT.
- Colums in the top right information pane (eg. 1,2 or 3 col) so graphs can be side by side.
- Widgets so the graphs can be dragged and dropped.
- Pools, should be able to set a max number of VMs, Memory, IPs, storage/storage Space in GB, etc.
- eg. assigning a certain amount of server ressources to a pool for use with VM/CT's or a user to limit that users ressources for creating VM/CT's
- Nginx instead of Apache2 as frontend which is faster and consume less memory and cpu.
- HDD usage info is missing?
- Notes colum beside backup job.
- Network Traffic MB/GB/TB Counter (For IP/VM/CT)
- Ability to restart a VM
Kind Regards