Power Failer and VM qcow2 file gone

parbat bhatiya

New Member
Jun 19, 2018

as i used directory base storage as proxmox default configuration

i have problem when power failer then my widnows 2012 r2 qcow2 gone

after main server hard rebooted and this vm when i am starting getting error

vm doest not exist qcow2 file what to do ?

i did try recovery all way like

r-studio testdisk and other recovery i did try but no luck is there anyway to do recovery or help plz ?

or how i can prevent for my feature like this issue with some advance configuration ? or help plz
what exactly is the error when trying to start the VM? Is your disk corrupt? Is your qcow2 disk still visible in the output of `pvesm list <storage>`? Is it in the default image folder under /var/lib/vz/images/?
To avoid data loss by power failure you have to perform regular backups onto a preferably remote host and test their consistency by attempted restore. Also a UPS can help to avoid power cuts and allow for a graceful shutdown.
no any other way ? or alternate way like storage method ? change or something ?

and here any way to recover ?

and yes pvesm list local do not apear my 102 in /var/lib/images so is there way to recover this qcow2 file ?

i did try studio but seen 4 kb file only so unable to recover :) in deleted i have seen
So your qcow2 image is still there but not connected to the VM anymore? Is this correct? You can try to import the disk by running `qm importdisk <vmid> <source> <storage>` to reattach it to the VM.
See `man qm` for more details.
Also have a look at `qemu-img check filename` if you want to check the consistency of your disk image.
no i did not happen recover but restore from my old backup but now

seems any way to make it safty to do not happen like this agai n ?

because its crashed disk and gone did not happen success for recover becuase our hard drive is one file and there is binary kind of reocvery option seen so i think difficulty to restore it from recovery softwares i did managed from my old backup

but proxmox have backup but if i want ot keep last 2 backup and remove old backup is it possible ? by weekly shedule ?
why proxmox does not have inbuild disk checking features for make server healthy and happy :)

really this is big mistake disk is very important as hart of our clients and mine and everybody so plz

anyone can implement on this for next version ? because its huge drawback so if achive we can capture many cusotmers with our proxmox plus values and reputation also :)