pmg quarantine-view for endusers problems


Mar 7, 2018
when daily quarantine digest mails are sent to endusers i have those problems:
  • when user "logs" in via url (authentication mode = ticket) the ui is english even the browser-language is german. no way found to change the language in this quarantine-view. bug?
  • all user see the "no valid subscription" message even we only run the community edition (we will buy subscription when we're clustering)
  • on daily digest on login, the date-selection is on today preselected not yesterday. so means: user gets mail about having received spam yesterday, logs in, and sees nothing.
did i miss a config?

debian stretch with:
pmg-api 5.0-65
pmg-docs 5.0-13
pmg-gui 1.0-33
pmg-i18n 1.0-4
pmg-log-tracker 1.0-1
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when daily quarantine digest mails are sent to endusers i have those problems:
  • when user "logs" in via url (authentication mode = ticket) the ui is english even the browser-language is german. no way found to change the language in this quarantine-view. bug?
This is a user setting, can be changed by:
Click on the link and you will be logged in using the English interface
Logout (Top right button) and set the needed language
Login again by clicking the link, and the language setting will stay as selected previously

  • all user see the "no valid subscription" message even we only run the community edition (we will buy subscription when we're clustering)
If you have no subscriptions this is a notification. If you have a community subscription, you do NOT have this notification, only if you have no subscription key, this message is displayed.

  • on daily digest on login, the date-selection is on today preselected not yesterday. so means: user gets mail about having received spam yesterday, logs in, and sees nothing.
did i miss a config?

debian stretch with:
pmg-api 5.0-65
pmg-docs 5.0-13
pmg-gui 1.0-33
pmg-i18n 1.0-4
pmg-log-tracker 1.0-1

How do you log in exactly? If you login via quarantine daily report by clicking directly on an email subject, you will get exactly this email preselected in the web interface.
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Reactions: toastbrot
thanx for fast support! fantastic!
- language: yes works: logout, language selection, click again on link in mail
- license: right, we do not have any license up to now (evaluating...)
- date-preselection: clicking on the link "webinterface" inside quarantine daily report (report style = short) does preselect todays dates. but the report-mail was sent at midnight at 00:05 and is actually reporting on yesterdays spams...
- date-preselection: clicking on the link "webinterface" inside quarantine daily report (report style = short) does preselect todays dates. but the report-mail was sent at midnight at 00:05 and is actually reporting on yesterdays spams...

yes, the link "webinterface" shows current date - I assume we can improve this (e.g. last week).
after some internal tests i have this feedback for you, as everbody asked me the same:
- language: nobody gets that by themself, as its not obvious workflow. so the workflow should be different OR the browsers-language should be used
- date-preselection: maybe the timespan which is reported on should be used. weekly report -> this particular week, daily report -> this particular day

thanx, great product excellent support and we'll buy subscriptions and test with cluster setup...