Hey, I have a question I installed pimox on my raspberry pi 4 and I tried (without any knowledge) to install a vm of windows 10 I found nothing on the internet ans=d when I tried by myself it doesn't work can someone help me figure it out ?
Keep in mind that Raspberry Pi is not a normal PC. PCs use Intel/AMD x86 architecture CPUs. The Raspberry Pi uses an ARM SoC (so more like a smartphone). Software compiled for x86 won't run on ARM and ARM not on x86. If Win10 would work then only when installing the special "Win10 ARM" edition. And even then I would bet that the Raspberry Pi hardware isn't strong enough for a usable Win10 desktop experience.
If you just want a cheap platform to run some VMs/continers I would recommend replacing that Raspberry Pi with a refurbished thin client or better a SFF PC. These days cheaper than a Raspberry Pi and at the same time more powerful and can run x86 software.
PS: Pimox is not an official port. Official Proxmox VE doesn't support ARM systems like your Raspberry Pi. You might find more people that could help with Pimox problems when asking on the board of the Pimox GitHub page.