Yes raw to chroot format made a huge difference in my configuration. Bear in mind you will loose the ability to set disk size from the GUI and container will see all the storage available.
To migrate a container, you need to back it up and restore it this way (replace 100 by CT's number):
Unfortunately it is not possible to create a container with chroot disks from the GUI. Now I use a command which is much quicker as I automate a lot of stuff at the same time: enable automatic security updates, add some packages, allow root login via SSH, configure default locales & vimrc etc...
Try to adapt the below with your configuration ;-) You mainly need to change the CT number (100) and IP address, hostname, etc...
To migrate a container, you need to back it up and restore it this way (replace 100 by CT's number):
pct restore 100 backup.tar.gz --rootfs local:0
Unfortunately it is not possible to create a container with chroot disks from the GUI. Now I use a command which is much quicker as I automate a lot of stuff at the same time: enable automatic security updates, add some packages, allow root login via SSH, configure default locales & vimrc etc...
Try to adapt the below with your configuration ;-) You mainly need to change the CT number (100) and IP address, hostname, etc...
pct create 100 /var/lib/vz/template/cache/debian-8.0-standard_8.0-1_amd64.tar.gz -net0 bridge=vmbr1,gw=,ip=,name=eth0,type=veth -hostname -password -rootfs local:0 -cpulimit 1 -memory 1024 -swap 1024 &&
pct start 100 &&
pct exec 100 -- bash -c "sed -i.bak s/'# en_US.UTF-8 UTF-8'/'en_US.UTF-8 UTF-8'/g /etc/locale.gen" &&
pct exec 100 -- bash -c "locale-gen" &&
pct exec 100 -- bash -c "sed -i.bak s/'PermitRootLogin without-password'/'PermitRootLogin yes'/g /etc/ssh/sshd_config" &&
pct exec 100 -- bash -c "cp /etc/vim/vimrc ~/.vimrc" &&
pct exec 100 -- bash -c "aptitude update && aptitude upgrade -y" &&
pct exec 100 -- bash -c "aptitude install unattended-upgrades bash-completion man htop iftop iotop bz2 -y"
pct exec 100 -- bash -c "dpkg-reconfigure -plow unattended-upgrades"