PBS-ZFS Storage is at 100%


New Member
Feb 26, 2025

Our PBS today ran out of storage, it's sitting at 100% and "zpool status" outputs "no pools available"

We've been getting (os error 28)

Full error log:

"ERROR: Backup of VM XYZ failed - VM XYZ qmp command 'backup' failed - backup connect failed: command error: No space left on device (os error 28)"

I was wondering if someone could eventually help me expand the PBS volume size. Deleting old backups is last option I'd want to take.

Thanks a lot in forward!

P.s. I'm somewhat of a newbie when it comes to Proxmox. I'd greatly appreciate somewhat simplified responses
Hey there. First thing to know is that you are not alone. This happens.

Second thing to know is the same as the first. This happens. A lot.
There's a bunch of stuff in this forum to read about this very same problem.
And there's a lot to know. Various complexities.
You really need to search and read. Not kidding. It will be worth your time.

And then as to your own issue ... Post the output from these statements in order for us to help you further.

df -h

cat /etc/proxmox-backup/datastore.cfg