Passed through disk shows up in Windows Disk management, but not the Explorer


New Member
Oct 10, 2022

I just passed through a 6TB HDD with exFAT file system to my windows 10 guest machine.
The Drive is listed as virtio2 in Proxmox and is visible in the windows disk management tool.


Disk 1 is not visible in the explorer, clicking "delete volume" gives me this warning:


Can I delete the disk in windows without losing the ability to monitor usage in proxmox?

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Have you tried to assign a drive letter? How did you passthrough the disk, it's strange to not see the partition.
I have no options to do anything within windows , other then deleting the drive.
I passed through the Disk with :

/sbin/qm set 100 -virtio2 /dev/disk/by-id/ata-WDC_WD60EFZX-68B3FN0_WD-C81NE9UK
There could be a few reasons, i.e. the partition is not what it says it is or corrupted. Windows does a lot of checks in the background prior to graying out the options. Look online - many articles about possible avenues of investigation:

Dont do anything that seems destructive if the data is important to you. If you just want to delete the disk - go for it, cant get any worse.

Good luck.

Blockbridge : Ultra low latency all-NVME shared storage for Proxmox -
NVME drives?
make sure to type "nvme" instead of "ata" when issuing the passthrough command, (ex. qm set 100 -scsi5 /dev/disk/by-id/nvme-

if it is a large drive format in in exFAT not NTFS
Check in the guest is (windows) powershell if the disk is read-only.
E.g. issue a "get-disk | select *"
You should see an attribute which says "is read-only" - should be false