Hello all, first time poster here.
I just got Gluster going on my network and am setting up a VLAN specific to Gluster storage traffic. Gluster is not hosting VM images, but VMs are accessing the Gluster data directly via the GlusterFS FUSE driver.
With that said, I have 3x bonded 10Gbit, OVS, VLANs, and after reading the documents regarding OVS, I'm confused on exactly what I do to change the MTU on only a specific VLAN - if that is at all possible with OVS.
The VLAN that needs MTU 9000 is 4 on the bond.
Below is my /etc/network/interfaces:
I just got Gluster going on my network and am setting up a VLAN specific to Gluster storage traffic. Gluster is not hosting VM images, but VMs are accessing the Gluster data directly via the GlusterFS FUSE driver.
With that said, I have 3x bonded 10Gbit, OVS, VLANs, and after reading the documents regarding OVS, I'm confused on exactly what I do to change the MTU on only a specific VLAN - if that is at all possible with OVS.
The VLAN that needs MTU 9000 is 4 on the bond.
Below is my /etc/network/interfaces:
auto lo
iface lo inet loopback
iface enp6s0 inet manual
auto eno1
iface eno1 inet static
iface eno3 inet manual
iface eno4 inet manual
iface enp5s0 inet manual
iface eno2 inet manual
iface enp6s0d1 inet manual
allow-vmbr0 bond0
iface bond0 inet manual
ovs_bonds enp5s0 enp6s0 enp6s0d1
ovs_type OVSBond
ovs_bridge vmbr0
ovs_options lacp=active bond_mode=balance-tcp
auto vmbr0
iface vmbr0 inet manual
ovs_type OVSBridge
ovs_ports bond0