Official DarkMode


Renowned Member
Jan 21, 2017
This is a nice to have but missing I think, since many other webui based solutions have an official dark mode available. This is especially useful when working in the dark and during night shifts, when most applications are in "dark mode". Opening the PVE dashboard is as bright as daylight. :-D

@tom @martin
So would it be possible to add an official dark mode to PVE which can be enable with the click of a button. Settings could be stored in the browser and as a global default.

Thanks in advance!
Sounds useful to me. It would be great if you could open a feature request at for this! There it certainly does become forgotten.
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OMG! Best thing ever! Here's a video showing how INCREDIBLY easy and great this is:
Your post reads like a spam post. Maybe write that this is a link to a video of this theme. :)

Anyways, it would be very nice if the Proxmox Team could actually add a dark mode theme to all Proxmox products that is configurable based on default, user or browser. Thanks in advance!
Just wanted to take a moment to say how nice this is and how long I've been after such a thing. Bravo.
@Dominic Is this going somewhere? A dark mode is much needed for our eyes when working at night. The theme presented on github is already a good start and the PVE devs could maybe use it as pointer. Having a light and dark mode switch in the WebUI is a much needed feature and should be really easy to implement in comparison to other features.

The bugzilla report is still in state new since I've created it over a half year ago.

Thanks for checking!
This theme is really nice and simple to install, just installed it on my proxmox ve 7 just now but, before to start to relax my eyes, I want to thanx the author.

+1 to include it on the official PVE.
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Yeah, +1 for DarkMode on PVE, PBS, PMG!
DiscordDark already looks kinda great, but something more native that doesn't "break" on every little update would be supreme.
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