Not sure what logs or docs to add, please lmk what might help to better understand the issue.
I'm running an unprivileged Ubuntu 22.04 Container Template with docker & docker-compile, everything installed as per docker docs instructions.
I'm running the Arr suite (Radarr, Sonarr, Lidarr, Prowlarr, Readarr, Bazarr) + qbittorrent from one docker-compile yml file.
The container has folder from a 2nd HDD mounted to it . That drive is also a Directory/Storage in Proxmox Gui) where data was already in, NTFS partition.
The conf file has:
so /mnt/Files is the HDD & Proxmox storage, /mnt/Files/data/ is the folder mounted to the container.
Volumes, Env & Folder structure are all set up to support hard linking & atomic moves.
In the container I created a new user PUID&PGID=1000, all docker containers have the same Timezone, I tried both where all containers are run by the same PUID&PGID and also with different PUIDs but a shared GUID. My user is in the sudoer file and I can run docker without sudo.
Everything works except for actually downloading a file, Qbittorrent errors & I bet that it's a Permission Issue.
What I tried:
The folders in the shared mount are owned by user:nobody & group:nogroup so I tried changing permissions there but nothing worked:
From Proxmox Shell
but the user & group dont change names.
I also tried moving the containers from the bridge network to a macvlan network as per this YT tutorial. I gave it an IP out of my Pihole DNS & DHCPs range but when I came to the point to do
I got this error:
Not sure anymore what to do. Could it be the NTFS share? Would it be easier to dedicate a VM for running containers?
Anyone can share how he got this to work?
Not sure what logs or docs to add, please lmk what might help to better understand the issue.
I'm running an unprivileged Ubuntu 22.04 Container Template with docker & docker-compile, everything installed as per docker docs instructions.
I'm running the Arr suite (Radarr, Sonarr, Lidarr, Prowlarr, Readarr, Bazarr) + qbittorrent from one docker-compile yml file.
The container has folder from a 2nd HDD mounted to it . That drive is also a Directory/Storage in Proxmox Gui) where data was already in, NTFS partition.
The conf file has:
mp0: /mnt/Files/data,mp=/mnt/data
so /mnt/Files is the HDD & Proxmox storage, /mnt/Files/data/ is the folder mounted to the container.
Volumes, Env & Folder structure are all set up to support hard linking & atomic moves.
In the container I created a new user PUID&PGID=1000, all docker containers have the same Timezone, I tried both where all containers are run by the same PUID&PGID and also with different PUIDs but a shared GUID. My user is in the sudoer file and I can run docker without sudo.
Everything works except for actually downloading a file, Qbittorrent errors & I bet that it's a Permission Issue.
What I tried:
The folders in the shared mount are owned by user:nobody & group:nogroup so I tried changing permissions there but nothing worked:
From Proxmox Shell
addgroup --gid 1000 data
chgrp -R data /mnt/Files/data/
setfacl -Rm g:1000:rwx,d:g:1000:rwx /mnt/Files/data/
chmod -R 2775 /mnt/Files/data/
I also tried moving the containers from the bridge network to a macvlan network as per this YT tutorial. I gave it an IP out of my Pihole DNS & DHCPs range but when I came to the point to do
dhcpcd eth1
eth1: if_init: Read-only file system
eth1: interface not found or invalid
Not sure anymore what to do. Could it be the NTFS share? Would it be easier to dedicate a VM for running containers?
Anyone can share how he got this to work?