I'm not asking to have any functionality removed, just added.
I did nowhere say that you implied that, we also wont do that
and if they wanted to be nice about it, it would store the other servers transfer credentials so that you can reuse it to transfer more vms/cts if necessary
You can login to a remote Linux server without entering password in 3 simple steps using ssky-keygen and ssh-copy-id as explained in this article.
ssh-keygen creates the public and private keys. ssh-copy-id copies the local-host’s public key to the remote-host’s authorized_keys file. ssh-copy-id also assigns proper permission to the remote-host’s home, ~/.ssh, and ~/.ssh/authorized_keys.
Just generate an ssh key on you computer if not already done then add the public key to the other server, e.g.:
ssh-copy-id backupuser@remote-host-or-ip
now the authentication is done automatically through certificates, more secure and less to do, just keep your private key safe!
Throw in a ping monitor that shows the status of the other server on this servers dash, and presto you have great info for the admin to go on when monitoring for problems. If you can throw in launching scripts when they go down, you've now created the ability to make dns changes and spinup a vm to pickup the slack for the unit(if the application already pulls from an existing established DB cluster). I know alot if this can be done with bash scripting and I currently do that, but I'm all excited about proxmox integration and having an ALL-ONE-TOOL.
It would be like a datacenter in a box. Sure, storage syncing would still be an issue, and could be done with rsync on a per app basis, but to have it almost be all-things-to-all-people is exciting.
Did you
read my post above, this - not exactly word by word, but the base idea - is on a todo list, but quite at the end
That said, we're open source so
patches welcome.
So there is the answer. It's definitely never going to work in that fashion as any variation in MS will trigger a break
That indication to ask was a bit ironic, sorry probably not the best manner from my side. But the point is
a) there are technical limitation as you also got in the answer from the clusterlab guys
b) yeah some similar or a few feature can be made, but they also have to be made.
c) all here contributing to the PVE project have a big feature, bug, documentation, test, ... todo list they're working on (thanks to all of them!) wishing feature is the easiest part of this, while we naturally appreciate good ideas, and your basic idea is surely not bad and exist a little longer than this thread.
It may be implemented in the future (not in the near future, I guess though (at least from me)) but there is more to be done than the simple steps you listed, routing/switching has to be handled, collisions, a good way how different datacenter can work decentralized (!) together without breaking anything, what happens in error cases, how is fencing handled through WAN and different locations (fencing is needed for HA), even with frequent rsyncs you may loose data from the VM, this can be really critical for a VM which hosts a database or anything similar, not all that trivial.