I have a cluster of ~10 Proxmox nodes running version 6.3-6.
Yesterday I decided to deploy the latest updates (pve-no-subscription) on all nodes and ran "apt full-upgrade" via an Ansible play.
In the result, most of my nodes have rebooted! Only two of them did not. I have looked through the log files but wasn't able to find anything suspicious.
Could anyone please help me to find out what's happened?
Here's the list of the packages I updated:
Syslog excerp in the attachment.
I have a cluster of ~10 Proxmox nodes running version 6.3-6.
Yesterday I decided to deploy the latest updates (pve-no-subscription) on all nodes and ran "apt full-upgrade" via an Ansible play.
In the result, most of my nodes have rebooted! Only two of them did not. I have looked through the log files but wasn't able to find anything suspicious.
Could anyone please help me to find out what's happened?
Here's the list of the packages I updated:
Commandline: /usr/bin/apt-get -y -o Dpkg::Options::=--force-confdef -o Dpkg::Options::=--force-confo
ld dist-upgrade
Upgrade: proxmox-widget-toolkit:amd64 (2.4-9, 2.5-1), corosync:amd64 (3.1.0-pve1, 3.1.2-pve1), libcm
ap4:amd64 (3.1.0-pve1, 3.1.2-pve1), libpve-storage-perl:amd64 (6.3-8, 6.3-9), libquorum5:amd64 (3.1.
0-pve1, 3.1.2-pve1), proxmox-backup-client:amd64 (1.0.13-1, 1.1.1-1), libvotequorum8:amd64 (3.1.0-pv
e1, 3.1.2-pve1), libcfg7:amd64 (3.1.0-pve1, 3.1.2-pve1), libcpg4:amd64 (3.1.0-pve1, 3.1.2-pve1), lib
corosync-common4:amd64 (3.1.0-pve1, 3.1.2-pve1)
Syslog excerp in the attachment.