My `pct create` script: seeking feedback, have questions about `--storage`


Sep 19, 2020
1. can anyone find problems or offer general feedback on the script below?

(The IP addresses have been redacted. Said script seems to run fine in initial testing.)

2. I have questions about the --rootfs vs --storage options as noted in my post reply below.

3. Is there a collection of example scripts like these, say in some wiki or github/gitlab repo?

4. also: what are the fundamental differences between pct and pvesh; eg: why use one over the other?


pct create $node_id                                              \
    local:vztmpl/ubuntu-20.04-standard_20.04-1_amd64.tar.gz      \
    --cores $cores --cpuunits $cpuunits                          \
    --memory $memory --swap $swap                                \
    --hostname $node_fqdn                                        \
    --net0 name=eth0,ip=$ip_address/32,bridge=vmbr0,gw=$gateway  \
    --rootfs local-lvm:$rootfs_storage                           \
    --storage local-lvm                                          \
    --ssh-public-keys /root/.ssh/authorized_keys                 \
    --onboot 1

# maybe use this later
#   --net1 name=eth1,ip=x.x.x.2/32,bridge=vmbr1  \

pct start $node_id
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Can someone characterize the difference in these 2 storage/filesystem-related parameters? Namely, why are there 2 different parameters for seems like the same or similar thing?

--rootfs local-lvm:8
--storage local-lvm

man pct does not initially shed much light on this. It reads:

       --storage <string>
           Target storage for full clone.

...and I'm not sure exactly what that means. (I'm a Proxmox newbie. I could guess what it means and test it out, but I'm short on time to do that immediately.)
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with '--storage', you set the storage where the rootfs mp volume will be created. with '--rootfs', you can provide more specific options, like size or more advanced features. you can provide almost everything that 'pct set' can do at creation time. for restore, a bit more logic applies - see the documentation:
with '--storage', you set the storage where the rootfs mp volume will be created.

Thanks @fabian. What does mp volume refer to? Some reference to lvm-based multipathing (mp), perhaps? If so, why does your not mention multipathing specifically? It seems to me that multipathing is not an essential feature to the above discussion/concepts - but maybe I'm missing something?
no, mp == mountpoint (as in, the corresponding config key is called 'mpX' where X is some number)