Moving config to a new server


Jan 28, 2018
I have my server died but the SSD is ok. I bought a new HW and want to have the same config as I had before.
The HW is slightly different - I tried cloning ssd (a new server has only M2 while the old one had only SATA). It did not really work.
What do I need to do to restore all my VMs to a new server?
It did not really work.
what did not work exactly?

What do I need to do to restore all my VMs to a new server?
most often the things you have to adapt
* sometimes the /etc/fstab (for mounting the disks)
* fixing the network interfaces in /etc/network/interfaces
any javascript error logs in the browser? did you write https (not http) ?
can you open the browser developer tools and check for js errors ?
I reinstalled two packages and now I see the web interface.
Do you know, by any chance, how to extend my root partition? Previous ssd was 120GB and a new one is 250GB. The data transfer was done sector-by-sector which left half of the ssd unused.
I reinstalled two packages and now I see the web interface.
Do you know, by any chance, how to extend my root partition? Previous ssd was 120GB and a new one is 250GB. The data transfer was done sector-by-sector which left half of the ssd unused.
Use with ultra caution, as this can go southways!!!!

gdisk /dev/sda
x -> Expert mode
e -> Move data to the end of the disk
w -> Write

fdisk /dev/sda
p -> list partitions
d (sda1) -> delete partition
n -> create new one; take defaults but don't erase ext4 or whatever you use
w -> write changes

sudo reboot

sudo resize2fs /dev/sda1 -> tell the OS that it's larger now
