Hey everyone! It looks like a lot has happened since I last checked out this thread. Good work everyone.
You know what would be helpful? Rather than having to try to painstakingly re-create the configurations of each other... it would be AWESOME, and I would be VERY grateful, if someone could do the following:
Running the newest/current Proxmox VE version 4.2, setup, configure, and get working the newest/current Mac OS X (El Capitan version 10.11.4) to where everything is working, and it's all ready for use...
and THEN, do a vzdump so that there's a single file that a perfectly working Mac OS X virtual machine can be restored from, so any of us could perform a restore and have a working Mac VM without any trouble.
THEN (very important step!): decompress/untar the backup/dump file, locate the actual hard disk image file (like a vmdk, but I suppose raw or something like that in this case), DELETE the hard disk file, then use /usr/bin/touch to make a placeholder file with the exact same name, permissions, and sitting in place at the exact same filesystem path. (also do this for any restore partition, or OS X installer ISO)
THEN, re-tar/re-compress the dump file and upload it somewhere and share a link with us all here (making note of the exact naming and location/path of that hard disk file).
If someone would do that, it would allow all of us to download the virtual machine dump file, restore it on our system, and then simply swap out the hard disk image file with one that we create ourselves.
This would allow for easy sharing of the virtual machine dump/backup file (as the size should be pretty small after removing the hard disk file), AND by removing the disk image file, the resulting dump file being shared would NOT contain any private/commercial/copyright'ed data that Apple would frown upon us sharing... it would simply be a collection of configuration info describing a virtual machine's specific setup.
I'm guessing a LOT of people would be very grateful. I know I for one certainly would.
Please, please, please. =)