Migrating from VMWare to Proxmox VE Problems?

pls post the output:

pveversion -v
Ok so where should i start.
Problem with using .vmdk Files.
The Cause:
I was running kernel 2.6.18 which from what ive read doesnt support .vmdk?

second the guide from vmware to proxmox and the:

Fatal Error:
One of the components that Windows needs to continue setup could not be installed
The drive cannot find the sector requested

The regedit to make the VM's Bootable by IDE was causeing the problem (why? im not sure, but ive converted about 10 VM's without it and they have all worked fine)

I believe i have all the problems fixed :D:D

Thanks Tom, Udo, Dietmar

Now on to something New...
Where should i go for info About doing Backups for all these VM's ive moved over?

Now on to something New...
Where should i go for info About doing Backups for all these VM's ive moved over?

An easy way to make backups is vzdump (you can configure it using the web interface).

see also

# man vzdump