Migrate Vmware to Proxmox


Dec 12, 2018
Hi everyone

I have a file disk image of Windows Server 2012R2 with extension .vmdk i want to import in proxmox VE.

I have Proxmox 5.3.5 i read in internet that now proxmox for disk images use LVM with only .raw format.

But i don't find how i can copy my file .vmdk directly in the lvm-storage?

Witch is the simplest procedure to do this?

Attend your reply thanks :)
qm importdisk

adds a disk to an existing vm, pve has to have access to the vmdk somehow (e.g. nfs/samba/copy to the pve box/etc.)
qm is a command line utility to manage pve qemu vms
for its use, please see the documentation, e.g. under 'man qm' on the commandline
ok but is possible if i have a file .vmdk on the nas copy directly on the lvm-storage and convert to raw?
Update i use thi command:

qm importdisk windows2012r2.vmdk local-lvm --format raw

And is start the process.

I let you know if everything work fine, thanks for now

I have attach storage nfs nas sinology with a Windows10.vmdk
I imported and convert directly with this command
qm import disk file.vmdk to lvm-storage and —format raw
The process goes fine a boot the machine e installed virtio the chance from ide to scsi but the vm is very slow cpu still 100% in idle
Hi i have installed virtio driver and balloon service then install qm agent and enable in vm option's, but non difference i have remove antivirus and the machine goes better, probabilly cpu host is bad intel core 2 duo e8500 is slow only 2 core.

I have another question:

Is possible to restore a single folder or file from a backup.vma.lzo without launch the restore the machine?


Acronis software backup i know is possible to restore a single file or folder without restore the backup.

With Proxmox is possible to do this?

I see the post for the bug Windows 10 CPU load 100%

but I did not understand which file to modify and with which code
Its "/usr/share/perl5/PVE/QemuServer.pm"

if ($winversion >= 7) {
push @$cpuFlags , 'hv_relaxed';

if ($winversion >= 7) {
push @$cpuFlags , 'hv_relaxed';
push @$cpuFlags , 'hv_synic';
push @$cpuFlags , 'hv_stimer';


and maybe

if ($winversion >= 6) {
push @$globalFlags, 'kvm-pit.lost_tick_policy=discard';
# push @$cmd, '-no-hpet';

I edit the file that you indicated.

This string was already present in the file:

if ($winversion >= 6) {
push @$globalFlags, 'kvm-pit.lost_tick_policy=discard';
# push @$cmd, '-no-hpet';

I only added this:

if ($winversion >= 7) {
push @$cpuFlags , 'hv_relaxed';
push @$cpuFlags , 'hv_synic';
push @$cpuFlags , 'hv_stimer';


The i restart the process with this command: systemctl reload pvedaemon

Then i start the vm but not change appear this is a screenshoot task manager in idle:

Out of ideas. start disabling service by service and see if there is one that is specially problematic because I think "Hosta servizio" is actually svchost..
You are right, 1mb/sec aint much. I'd try to install a second disk as VirtIO disk / scsi disk, install the drivers, then migrate the OS disk to VirtIO (+IO Thread) or scsi disk.
yeah i know the cpu and the hdd is not performing.

The cpu is a old intel core duo and the hard disk is 7200rpm 1tb

Is a pc for testing :)

Do you know some great tool for benchmarking hdd and vm in generally?
Crystaldisk inside Windows VM. I would still deactivate service after service or do a reinstall. However, dual core is dual core, so there is that, along with a spinning rust..well :)


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