LXC Container rebooting every 5-ish Minutes without any reason


New Member
May 13, 2024
My qBittorrent LXC reboots around every 5 minutes and looking through the journal I can't figure out why. Any reason why this happens?

The journal of the last 30 minutes is pasted here: https://pastebin.com/dVSsSHQU

I don't know if I'm too stupid but I can't find any errors in the journal that could contribute to the 5 minute reset issue.

The last thing the logs show before the container restarts is that the startup finished.


Post the config of the container, should be in /etc/pve/lxc

Could be insufficient / too much RAM, not sure
I fixed the issue and it seems to be a helper script called "Proxmox VE Monitor-All". It is somehow causing some LXCs and VM to reset without any reason. This seems to be a common problem with this helper script.

Post in thread 'VM resetting after every 6 minutes'
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