root@pvers70001:~# sg_inq -e -p 0x83 /dev/sdg
VPD INQUIRY: Device Identification page
Designation descriptor number 1, descriptor length: 20
designator_type: NAA, code_set: Binary
associated with the Addressed logical unit
NAA 6, IEEE Company_id: 0x1405
Vendor Specific Identifier: 0x4658df52d
Vendor Specific Identifier Extension: 0x682bd4c68d8e4edb
Designation descriptor number 2, descriptor length: 63
designator_type: T10 vendor identification, code_set: ASCII
associated with the Addressed logical unit
vendor id: SYNOLOGY
vendor specific: iSCSI Storage:4658df52-682b-4c68-8e4e-bb84c9d43476
Designation descriptor number 3, descriptor length: 8
transport: Internet SCSI (iSCSI)
designator_type: Relative target port, code_set: Binary
associated with the Target port
Relative target port: 0x3
Designation descriptor number 4, descriptor length: 8
transport: Internet SCSI (iSCSI)
designator_type: Target port group, code_set: Binary
associated with the Target port
Target port group: 0x0
Designation descriptor number 5, descriptor length: 8
designator_type: Logical unit group, code_set: Binary
associated with the Addressed logical unit
Logical unit group: 0x0
Designation descriptor number 6, descriptor length: 76
transport: Internet SCSI (iSCSI)
designator_type: SCSI name string, code_set: UTF-8
associated with the Target port
SCSI name string:
Designation descriptor number 7, descriptor length: 68
transport: Internet SCSI (iSCSI)
designator_type: SCSI name string, code_set: UTF-8
associated with the Target device that contains addressed lu
SCSI name string: