Since upgrading to 7.0 I lost all connectivity on 2 nodes (not the third tho even tho they were upgraded all at the same time!).
Troubleshooting steps:
* hwaddress was added to the bridges
* tried auto/hotplug in intrefaces as well
* i CAN bring up the interfaces with ip link set en0 up but can't get it to speak
* ifupdown2 does not seem to be installed
* Attached ìp a`, ifconfig and /etc/network/interface as images through tinypilot
* pveversion was too big so is here
* lspci was too big so is here (marked the two network cards with red rectangles for wasy viewing):
I am at a loss, and without a ceph quorom so nothing works on my cluster now
Any help appreciated!
Troubleshooting steps:
* hwaddress was added to the bridges
* tried auto/hotplug in intrefaces as well
* i CAN bring up the interfaces with ip link set en0 up but can't get it to speak
* ifupdown2 does not seem to be installed
* Attached ìp a`, ifconfig and /etc/network/interface as images through tinypilot
* pveversion was too big so is here
* lspci was too big so is here (marked the two network cards with red rectangles for wasy viewing):
I am at a loss, and without a ceph quorom so nothing works on my cluster now
Any help appreciated!