i have joined one of my proxmox cluster nodes to my active directory domain, with the intention of allowing a group of particular users in active directory to have sudo privileges in proxmox.
was able to join the host to domain and can id users:
realm list looks groovy:
however, when i try to switch to my domain user from root,
similarly, any attempt to ssh into the host as a domain user is rejected:
sshd_config is pretty standard, hasn't been modified. i wonder if i should also be looking at /etc/pam.d/sshd and /etc/nsswitch.conf?
was able to join the host to domain and can id users:
root@prox01-node01:~# id pfaffmanadm
uid=1118231140(pfaffmanadm) gid=1118200513(domain users) groups=1118200513(domain users),1118200512(domain admins),1118232637(sudoers),1118232625(sslvpn),1118229844(squid),1118210067(linuxadmin),1118224818(kiosk)
realm list looks groovy:
root@prox01-node01:~# realm list
type: kerberos
realm-name: DOMAIN.AD
domain-name: domain.ad
configured: kerberos-member
server-software: active-directory
client-software: sssd
required-package: sssd-tools
required-package: sssd
required-package: libnss-sss
required-package: libpam-sss
required-package: adcli
required-package: samba-common-bin
login-formats: %U
login-policy: allow-realm-logins
however, when i try to switch to my domain user from root,
root@prox01-node01:~# su pfaffmanadm
su: System error
similarly, any attempt to ssh into the host as a domain user is rejected:
PS C:\Users\pfaffmanadm> ssh pfaffmanadm@
pfaffmanadm@'s password:
Connection closed by port 22
sshd_config is pretty standard, hasn't been modified. i wonder if i should also be looking at /etc/pam.d/sshd and /etc/nsswitch.conf?