ISO and Templates

More Info on the setup of latest beta Pristine. Gave up on trying to get your system to see ISO physically residing on the Proxmox filesystem.

So, when on to complete a Create VM to see if I could get Proxmox to start the VM from the CD.

Now, I've got a "new" problem. You may have seen this or know why it occurs when I try to START the newly created VM

Screen shots ===> Setup-completed3.pngSetup-completed4.pngtry2startit.pngSetup-completed2.png

P.S. I know this is beta! I'm just trying to help. My tests are very elementary and should be good use for your tutorial.
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post your pveversion -v, maybe you hit an already fixed issue.?
Can we split this thread somehow? The gcmartin posts while similar do not seem to be the same issue. I will assume the comment:

your nfs storage is not active, that seems to be the problem. do you see the ISO on the content tab?

was directed at me. NFS is active:

# df
Filesystem 1K-blocks Used Available Use% Mounted on
209612800 7436288 202176512 4% /mnt/pve/storageRep0

And in fact the volume is mounted, I can browse into it via ssh, can create/delete files,... The content tab, just like the Summary tab show NOTHING. But the mount is there and active. I did post the other requested information showing the pvesm failing, but might have been missed with the intertwined postings:

# pvesm list storageRep0
mount.nfs: /mnt/pve/storageRep0 is busy or already mounted
command '/bin/mount -t nfs /mnt/pve/storageRep0' failed: exit code 32
Re: ISO and Templates - SOLVED!

Ok, kept digging around as we needed to get past this step. I found the command pvesm nfsscan <server> and ran that which resulted in the error:

clnt_create: RPC: Program not registered

So, Google being my friend started some searching and came across some recent OpenFiler 2.99 reports on this (to ESXi, but using NFS). Interesting, that is where my NFS mounts are being stored. So, ended up putting the latest updates on the storage server and restarting it. That did not resolve the issue. However, I noticed that now when I went into add storage that when I selected nfs the drop down list was being populated with the exports from the Openfiler server. Deleted the one storage I had (storageRep0) and created a new one. Viola, it now sees the storage, reports on the amount of space available and shows all of the images.

HOORAY! Thanks for all of the help, hope this helps others.
Using the latest V2Beta (12/02/2011) by merely coping the ISOs to the path, I will see them in teh Proxmox Management webpages.

Thanks for the beta upgrade