Is there a way to add the quarantine queue link in the Notify Receiver action?

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Active Member
Feb 25, 2020
I believe it would make sense to attach the quarantine link when notifying the user of potenial spam in the queue. But by default PMG only send out the link in the daily report. Is it possible to add that in the Notify Receiver action?

I assume just pasting the code found in into the action template won't work?

<p>Please use the <a href='[% managehref | url %]'>web interface</a> to manage your spam quarantine.</p>

Is there a way to achieve this?
This makes no sense for me.

If you want to inform receivers immediately about spam, just mark the spam emails (e.g. change subject to "SPAM: ..." and do not use the quarantine.

The quarantine is designed to keep spam away from the users and if needed, just sending a report to the user once per day.
This makes no sense for me.

If you want to inform receivers immediately about spam, just mark the spam emails (e.g. change subject to "SPAM: ..." and do not use the quarantine.

The quarantine is designed to keep spam away from the users and if needed, just sending a report to the user once per day.

Well, here's a scenario if you still doesn't make sense.

Currently, I have 2 quarantine actions.

1- Block level 4 - notify user with attachment
2- Block level 5 - notify user

Block 4- is for when there is a false positive. Which I observed a lot if a domain isn't configured properly outbound. This often get trigger. I just had this today.

This is quite essentials as you can't control the sender's setup.

Also, since the action is notify user with attachment, the original email get attached with a .eml. This is problematic for users that use webmail and not an actual email client.

Spam detection results: 4

ClamAVHeuristics 3 ClamAV heuristic test: Phishing.Email.SpoofedDomain (clamav)

BAYES_00 -1.9 Bayes spam probability is 0 to 1%

HTML_MESSAGE 0.001 HTML included in message


KAM_DMARC_STATUS 0.01 Test Rule for DKIM or SPF Failure with Strict Alignment

KAM_LAZY_DOMAIN_SECURITY 1 Sending domain does not have any anti-forgery methods

LOTS_OF_MONEY 0.001 Huge... sums of money

MISSING_MID 0.497 Missing Message-Id: header

SCC_10_SHORT_WORD_LINES 1 10 lines with many short words

SCC_5_SHORT_WORD_LINES 1 5 lines with many short words

SPF_HELO_NONE 0.001 SPF: HELO does not publish an SPF Record

SPF_NONE 0.001 SPF: sender does not publish an SPF Record

SURBL_BLOCKED 0.001 ADMINISTRATOR NOTICE: The query to SURBL was blocked. See for more information. []

URIBL_BLOCKED 0.001 ADMINISTRATOR NOTICE: The query to URIBL was blocked. See for more information.

Block 5- This is most likely actual spam. Which I don't care for.

So by adding the queue link, it allows the user quickly check it and deliver,whitelist, etc...

I mean... the whole system is already there and I'm not asking something that's not there. It's just giving user more ability to combat spam, not sure why you prefer it your way.
Do you have LDAP login to your quarantine? If yes, the link is static and can also be bookmarked.

No, LDAP isn't in the mix which doesn't really matter at this point because you clearly went off on a tangent to the OP.

In short, you could've just answered the OP by either.

A) No, only LDAP can use it. Even though without LDAP, the users still get a link daily to able to log in... Let me quote you...
This makes no sense for me.

B) No, but we will consider adding this as a feature because it seems like a good idea to help user combat spam.

The whole point of a quarantine is to keep spam away from the user. Not to send it to them (your suggestion) even though it may be a false positive or a positive.

Thanks for the help... I guess...
The whole point of a quarantine is to keep spam away from the user. Not to send it to them (your suggestion) even though it may be a false positive or a positive.

The idea of the quarantine is to reduce time of the user to handle spam messages - no Interruption with SPAM during the day.

Only once a day, a daily report is sent and only if there is spam in the quarantine.

A bit weird that you do not believe the creators of this feature what their idea was on desiging the feature. But of course, the are different views.

Is there a way to achieve this?

Not like this. (seems you prefer simple answers).
The idea of the quarantine is to reduce time of the user to handle spam messages - no Interruption with SPAM during the day.

Only once a day, a daily report is sent and only if there is spam in the quarantine.

A bit weird that you do not believe the creators of this feature what their idea was on desiging the feature. But of course, the are different views.

Not like this. (seems you prefer simple answers).

There are many use cases for a feature. What the "creators" intended does not mean that's what users are using it for.

And the fact that you want to dictate what end users (actual email users and not the sysadmins) do simply mean you had disconnected from the actual world usage. The fact that you think having a link that let the user to click on the link to see the quarantine queue is an interruption of the work flow is quite a laughable argument.

Most users are not tech savvy enough to understand the jist of it. Having it saved in the quarantine is much better than "changing the email subject".

I bet if you poll your user base. I bet 99% of them would be for this idea.

But of course, what do we know right?
This thread is going off topic. I just tried to answer your question about the functionality of the Proxmox Mail Gateway. If you do not want the answer, do not ask.
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