I made a very bad mistake, execute rm ./* in the root path / of the PBS server (version 2.0) and OS disappeared. If reinstall PBS on the same server, Is possible to recover all the backups in the ZFS local datastore?
that depends how far the rm got before you stopped it, and whether the datastore and '/' share a disk/pool. you might want to look into ZFS recovery first after taking a full backup of all your disks.
OK, thanks. The OS can not boot, so I think I'll reinstall and will lost old backups, is not so critical. Anyway I think I will need a backup policy for the backup server.
I've imported "zpool import -f backupds1" and it seemes that all backups are there, now how can add this datastore? How can I rebuild the backup configuration from there?
Just adding a comment; I found this thread afraid of exactly AlfredoF experience.
II really wish there were a way to backup my PBS to disk, or to treat the store as a NAS and back that up using a whole range of tools (Datto, Synology etc.) and store offsite.
Doing a PBS->PBS sync will only perpetuate data problems. We need a distinct "2nd copy" backup. Me, I'd like to use DATTO NAS or TRUENAS for that.
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