Is grub-install / sgdisk needed after each RAID replacement + resilvering ?

I have a small test system that was using cheap SSDs (just 2 disks mirror, ZRAID-1), and both disks failed in a short time period. I had access to it after the event I am describing below, someone else proceeded to replace disks, etc. as follows :

  1. When the first disk failed it was replaced and re-silvering was fine. At some point the system was rebooted fine.
  2. When the second disk failed, resilvering went fine too. Eventually the system was restarted and upon reboot it wouldn't start. Only zpool offline / replace commands were used.
  3. This being a test system it was reinstalled before I got to further check logs, etc.
In the end the system was reinstalled and the only VM on it for testing purposes recovered fine from a backup.

I suspect we should've copied partitions first with sgdisk first. Is this correct ? Would grub-install to a new disk after re-silvering have the same effect ?

The documentation indicates this clearly, I am just no sure why resilvering would have worked with a new disk.

I am a bit confused as I thought the resilvering would take care of boot partitions too, the new disks had not been formatted or partitioned before.

I'd also like to understand if there is a difference between using only grub or the proxmox-boot-tool by itself. I'll explore more in the host boooloader docs.
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