installing ceph in pve8 nosub repo


Distinguished Member
Oct 16, 2015
Chatsworth, CA
I'm putting together a dev cluster for proxmox 8 within my environment, and ran into a curious "problem:" when attempting to install the ceph stack, pveceph install attempts to rewrite ceph.list to enterprise and then complains that no subscription is present. I tried to set immutable on ceph.list which cause pveceph install to fail when rewriting ceph.list failed.

Is this intentional?

yeah, that is intentional. The command will use the enterprise repo by default. Which does not work if you don't have a subscription. You could try pveceph install --repository no-subscription instead to use the no-subscription repo.

Thanks! yeah I figured but since that wasn't enforced this way in prior versions it threw me for a loop.
Just FYI: the Ceph enterprise repo is a new addition in the bookworm release. Hence, the change here, there simply was no enterprise repo before.