In-place Upgrade from 5.x to PMG 6.0


Well-Known Member
Dec 20, 2017

We would like to upgrade from PMG 5.2-7 to version 6.0. (Single Installation - no Cluster!)
The only thing we don't understand is the Postgres upgrade from version 9.6 to 11

Can you please tell us the step by step commands to upgrade our prostgres to version 11?
(Because the wiki entry describes the process for PMG cluster only?)

many thanks!

The upgrade instructions are for single nodes and clusters alike:

All steps related to PMG clusters are marked as such (as far as i see the work cluster is written in bold)
Maybe the confusion is due to the use of 'postgres cluster'? This is the term Postgres refers to for a Database-system installation
(you can have multiple clusters (of the same or different version) running on one system) - see

If possible please describe how the misunderstanding came up? (It would help to improve the upgrade instructions for other users)


this confusion came up because of the Section "Upgrade postgres Database"

Before you upgrade the postgres main cluster, you need to remove the automatically created cluster in the new version.

Where postgres cluster has nothing to do with compute cluster.

if I understood correctly we should run following commands after doing a dist upgrade:

pg_dropcluster --stop 11 main

pg_upgradecluster -v 11 9.6 main

systemctl unmask postfix pmg-smtp-filter pmgpolicy pmgdaemon pmgproxy


apt purge postgresql-9.6 postgresql-client-9.6 postgresql-contrib-9.6

systemctl unmask pmgmirror pmgtunnel

systemctl start pmgmirror pmgtunnel


many thanks!
That's what we used here many times successfully :)
As always - create a backup before!
Version 6.0-4 is up and running, many thanks to the Proxmox Team!

Just finished my installation with cleaning up some old kernels ;)
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Hmm - check the journal (ssh into PMG and run `journalctl -r`) that should provide some hint what is not working

I hope this helps!
hello yes i'm on a production System - so i must do it at evening.
is there a supported way to upgrade from my Version 5.0-61 to 6.x?
or a Company, which will help us (for a fee)?
The wikipage you pasted ( contains the supported upgrade path.
The upgrade to the latest 5.2.7 is necessary.
Alternatively you can also install a new PMG 6.1 and restore a backup taken from 5.0 (the quarantine will not be restored, and you need to adapt the network settings)

We offer support while troubleshooting via our Enterprise Support Portal ( to Customers who have a Subscription of Level Basic or higher -
Check the subscription agreement linked there for what is covered by the Support.

I hope this helps!
Thats a good Idea; e new Installation.
i will try this way. ist it possible to use the same license (we have a Basic subcritption)
I did my upgrade in place over the weekend and no problem. First of all, I backup the whole PMG vm. I then did everything via the command line, make sure pmg is up to date: apt update then apt dist-upgrade. I then follow for the rest of the steps.

My PMG 5 is heavily customized with SASL authenticate , opendkim, clamav-unofficial-updates and other spamassasins according to the excellent tutorial by heutger, I turned off dkim service and pass the SASL authentication to another server after the update. So far, I don't see any problems except the forward emails. Forward emails broke the SPF and cause the DMARC_REJECT on spamassassin with a score of 10. I have a rule to monitor outgoing SPAM emails and notify me. I installed postsrsd to fix it.

The mail-filter is really nice and powerful.

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