imported azure vps on proxmox don't boot


Active Member
Sep 16, 2019
I have imported correctly a converted azure vhd vps, but it stop the boot when load BTRFS...
I have tried to disable hardware virtualization.. but i don't really know why this happen..

See attached image
Please help.

v3 - Proxmox Virtual Environment.png
I have added a serial port in the hardware set and the boot freeze now on iscsi, changing disk controller stop to the btrfs..
v3 - Proxmox Virtual Environment (1).png
after changing the video attaching it to the SERIAL PORT and changing
the controller to virtio iscsi and enbaling the IO thread on the disk it start but
when I write the root password I can't login...

v3 - Proxmox Virtual Environment (2).png
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SOLVED MANS!!!!!!! :):):)

for anyone import an azure vps to proxmox need to add the serial port hardware devices , assign the video vga to the serial terminal and after in maintenance mode need to edit the FSTAB to disable the azure /mnt mount point and the machine will start correctly.
My last question is, how I can delete azure kernel and so on other azure installation to have the best perfomance on proxmox?