I cant access proxom web interface


New Member
Feb 12, 2023
Hi, i've problem to accesses proxmox web interface and the vm's and lcx's dont came up.
after i've change /etc/hosts/ file lost the connection with pve. I stil do ssh to the server but nothing works.
i search on web and also on this forum. The pve is a home server and i run the 7.4 version.

# journalctl -xe
start job for unit pve-cluster.service has begun execution.

The job identifier is 1538.
Ιουν 10 20:43:14 pve pveproxy[6921]: worker exit
Ιουν 10 20:43:14 pve pveproxy[6922]: worker exit
Ιουν 10 20:43:14 pve pveproxy[5455]: worker 6921 finished
Ιουν 10 20:43:14 pve pveproxy[5455]: starting 1 worker(s)
Ιουν 10 20:43:14 pve pveproxy[5455]: worker 6998 started
Ιουν 10 20:43:14 pve pveproxy[5455]: worker 6922 finished
Ιουν 10 20:43:14 pve pveproxy[5455]: starting 1 worker(s)
Ιουν 10 20:43:14 pve pveproxy[6923]: worker exit
Ιουν 10 20:43:14 pve pveproxy[5455]: worker 6999 started
Ιουν 10 20:43:14 pve pveproxy[6998]: /etc/pve/local/pve-ssl.key: failed to load local private key (key_file or key) at /usr/share/perl5/PVE/APIServer/AnyEvent.pm line 1998.
Ιουν 10 20:43:14 pve pveproxy[6999]: /etc/pve/local/pve-ssl.key: failed to load local private key (key_file or key) at /usr/share/perl5/PVE/APIServer/AnyEvent.pm line 1998.
Ιουν 10 20:43:14 pve pveproxy[5455]: worker 6923 finished
Ιουν 10 20:43:14 pve pveproxy[5455]: starting 1 worker(s)
Ιουν 10 20:43:14 pve pveproxy[5455]: worker 7000 started
Ιουν 10 20:43:14 pve pveproxy[7000]: /etc/pve/local/pve-ssl.key: failed to load local private key (key_file or key) at /usr/share/perl5/PVE/APIServer/AnyEvent.pm line 1998.
Ιουν 10 20:43:19 pve pveproxy[6998]: worker exit
Ιουν 10 20:43:19 pve pveproxy[6999]: worker exit
Ιουν 10 20:43:19 pve pveproxy[5455]: worker 6998 finished
Ιουν 10 20:43:19 pve pveproxy[5455]: worker 6999 finished
Ιουν 10 20:43:19 pve pveproxy[5455]: starting 2 worker(s)
Ιουν 10 20:43:19 pve pveproxy[5455]: worker 7178 started
Ιουν 10 20:43:19 pve pveproxy[7000]: worker exit
Ιουν 10 20:43:19 pve pveproxy[5455]: worker 7179 started
Ιουν 10 20:43:19 pve pveproxy[7178]: /etc/pve/local/pve-ssl.key: failed to load local private key (key_file or key) at /usr/share/perl5/PVE/APIServer/AnyEvent.pm line 1998.
Ιουν 10 20:43:19 pve pveproxy[7179]: /etc/pve/local/pve-ssl.key: failed to load local private key (key_file or key) at /usr/share/perl5/PVE/APIServer/AnyEvent.pm line 1998.
Ιουν 10 20:43:19 pve pveproxy[5455]: worker 7000 finished
Ιουν 10 20:43:19 pve pveproxy[5455]: starting 1 worker(s)
Ιουν 10 20:43:19 pve pveproxy[5455]: worker 7180 started
Ιουν 10 20:43:19 pve pveproxy[7180]: /etc/pve/local/pve-ssl.key: failed to load local private key (key_file or key) at /usr/share/perl5/PVE/APIServer/AnyEvent.pm line 1998.

#cat /etc/hosts localhost.localdomain localhost prox.hnet-xxxx.xxxx.xxxx pvelocalhosty

# The following lines are desirable for IPv6 capable hosts

::1 ip6-localhost ip6-loopback
fe00::0 ip6-localnet
ff00::0 ip6-mcastprefix
ff02::1 ip6-allnodes
ff02::2 ip6-allrouters
ff02::3 ip6-allhosts

Thanks in Advance
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What did you edit in Your /etc/hosts file?
To me it looks like you tried to change your hostname, did your follow instructions according to the wiki?


# journalctl -xe
should show your hostname (pvelocalhosty ?) right before "pveproxy", instead it shows "pve" - this suggests you made a mistake while renaming.
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