How to remove local (Directory) storage properly?


Apr 9, 2020
In my attempts to understand how Proxmox storage works in a cluster, I took a spare disk and tried to add it through the web GUI via
node -> Disks -> Directory -> Create: Directory.
I selected my spare disk but the only filesystems I could pick were either EXT4 or XFS. I went for EXT4.

Now I've learned I want to use ZFS instead, so I need to remove the current configuration again. But there's nothing about this in the Proxmox Admin Guide.

So, how should I remove local (Directory) storage properly?
This is what I did / tried:

- Removed the storage on the Datacenter level. Result: it's still visible via node -> Disks -> Directory.
- At that same spot, it's impossible to remove anything, you can only add storage.
- The PVE Admin Guide states all storage configuration resides in /etc/pve/storage.conf, but in fact that file only contains cluster-wide mounts, *not* local mounts.
- The guide also states /etc/fstab, but it's empty, except for /proc.
- Seems it's actually in systemd as I discovered - in /etc/systemd/system/mult-user-target.wants/ to be precise:

root@node2:/etc/systemd/system/ ls |grep mount
Bingo. Let's remove it:

root@node2:/etc/systemd/system/ systemctl disable mnt-pve-static_data.mount
root@node2:/etc/systemd/system/ systemctl stop mnt-pve-static_data.mount
Ok, now just remove the partition via cfdisk and we're done, right?
Wrong - the partition / directory is still visible in the web GUI. Hmmmm...
- Reboot the system then? Nope. Still there. What gives?!
- Searched for string 'static_data' in all files in /etc/. 1 result: /etc/systemd/system/mnt-pve-static_data.mount
It's inactive according to systemctl:

root@node2:/etc/systemd/system/# systemctl |grep static_data.mount

- Searched for string 'static_data' in all files in /var/ : only some results in the logs, nothing else.
- Searched for string 'static_data' in all files in /usr/ : only some results in binaries en libraries.
That can't be it either.

So where on earth does PVE store this information? And how do I remove it? What am I missing?
Note that the file you mention is a link
➜  ~ ls -lah /etc/systemd/system/
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 45 May 20 09:11 /etc/systemd/system/ -> /etc/systemd/system/mnt-pve-static_data.mount

Please try the following
  1. Remove the storage static_data from /etc/pve/storage.cfg if not done so yet. This is the same as removing it in Datacenter->Storage in the GUI.
  2. Remove the systemd file rm /etc/systemd/system/mnt-pve-static_data.mount. This should remove the entry from the GUI.
  3. Unmount the storage umount /mnt/pve/static_data (or reboot)
  4. Wipe file systems on the disk wipefs --no-act --backup /dev/sdb Replace the disk with your real disk and --no-act with --all.
You should then be able to create a ZFS storage in the GUI: Node->Disks->ZFS->Create: ZFS button
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Thanks for your reply, @Dominic !
Note that the file you mention is a link
Yes, I was aware of that. I just didn't know that leaving the original file in /etc/systemd/system would cause the disk still to appear in node -> Disks -> Directory.
1. Remove the storage static_data from /etc/pve/storage.cfg if not done so yet. This is the same as removing it in Datacenter->Storage in the GUI.
That's the first thing I did, expecting it to make the storage 'removable' on the node-level as well, but alas.
2. Remove the systemd file rm /etc/systemd/system/mnt-pve-static_data.mount. This should remove the entry from the GUI.
YES! That was what I was looking for. IMHO this *really* needs to be in the Admin Guide :)
3. Unmount the storage umount /mnt/pve/static_data (or reboot)
IMHO this should be done before step 2, via systemctl disable mnt-pve-static_data.mount --now. Then a reboot is not needed either.
4. Wipe file systems on the disk wipefs --no-act --backup /dev/sdb Replace the disk with your real disk and --no-act with --all.
You should then be able to create a ZFS storage in the GUI: Node->Disks->ZFS->Create: ZFS button
Actually, I used cfdisk for this, but it's nice to have alternatives.

As for this info not being in the Admin Guide, do you want me to file a bug for that in Bugzilla?
For PVE7:

Either via the direct console or SSH

nano /usr/share/perl5/PVE/Storage/

Press [ctrl+w] and type '/var/lib/vz' (quotes not included) then press [Enter] to find the nearby location we're going to comment out

Add '=comment-out' (quotes not included) at the beginning and above the line
# make sure we have a reasonable 'local:' storage

Add '=cut' (quotes not included) at the beginning and above the line
foreach my $storeid (keys %$ids) {

So that the sub `parse_config` may look like

sub parse_config {
    my ($class, $filename, $raw) = @_;

    my $cfg = $class->SUPER::parse_config($filename, $raw);
    my $ids = $cfg->{ids};
    # make sure we have a reasonable 'local:' storage
    # we want 'local' to be always the same 'type' (on all cluster nodes)
    if (!$ids->{local} || $ids->{local}->{type} ne 'dir' ||
        ($ids->{local}->{path} && $ids->{local}->{path} ne '/var/lib/vz')) {
        $ids->{local} = {
            type => 'dir',
            priority => 0, # force first entry
            path => '/var/lib/vz',
            'prune-backups' => 'keep-all=1',
            content => {
                backup => 1,
                images => 1,
                iso => 1,
                rootdir => 1,
                snippets => 1,
                vztmpl => 1,

    # make sure we have a path
    $ids->{local}->{path} = '/var/lib/vz' if !$ids->{local}->{path};

    # remove node restrictions for local storage
    foreach my $storeid (keys %$ids) {
        my $d = $ids->{$storeid};
        my $type = $d->{type};

        my $def = $defaultData->{plugindata}->{$type};

        if ($def->{content}) {
            $d->{content} = $def->{content}->[1] if !$d->{content};
        if (grep { $_ eq $type }  @SHARED_STORAGE) {
            $d->{shared} = 1;

    return $cfg;

And then reboot the host.

Now you can run `pvesm remove local` via the console or through the Web UI to remove the `local` storage.
For PVE7:

Either via the direct console or SSH

nano /usr/share/perl5/PVE/Storage/

Press [ctrl+w] and type '/var/lib/vz' (quotes not included) then press [Enter] to find the nearby location we're going to comment out

Add '=comment-out' (quotes not included) at the beginning and above the line
# make sure we have a reasonable 'local:' storage

Add '=cut' (quotes not included) at the beginning and above the line
foreach my $storeid (keys %$ids) {

So that the sub `parse_config` may look like

sub parse_config {
    my ($class, $filename, $raw) = @_;

    my $cfg = $class->SUPER::parse_config($filename, $raw);
    my $ids = $cfg->{ids};
    # make sure we have a reasonable 'local:' storage
    # we want 'local' to be always the same 'type' (on all cluster nodes)
    if (!$ids->{local} || $ids->{local}->{type} ne 'dir' ||
        ($ids->{local}->{path} && $ids->{local}->{path} ne '/var/lib/vz')) {
        $ids->{local} = {
            type => 'dir',
            priority => 0, # force first entry
            path => '/var/lib/vz',
            'prune-backups' => 'keep-all=1',
            content => {
                backup => 1,
                images => 1,
                iso => 1,
                rootdir => 1,
                snippets => 1,
                vztmpl => 1,

    # make sure we have a path
    $ids->{local}->{path} = '/var/lib/vz' if !$ids->{local}->{path};

    # remove node restrictions for local storage
    foreach my $storeid (keys %$ids) {
        my $d = $ids->{$storeid};
        my $type = $d->{type};

        my $def = $defaultData->{plugindata}->{$type};

        if ($def->{content}) {
            $d->{content} = $def->{content}->[1] if !$d->{content};
        if (grep { $_ eq $type }  @SHARED_STORAGE) {
            $d->{shared} = 1;

    return $cfg;

And then reboot the host.

Now you can run `pvesm remove local` via the console or through the Web UI to remove the `local` storage.
This indeed works!
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