How to extend drives on a running system?


Aug 15, 2019
I extended virtual drives on my HW Raids. Now I need to extendend also the drives in proxmox (sda 2x 960GB Raid 1)and also sdb 4x1.92Tb Raid 5). I'm a total noob with proxmox and failed with extending them with tutorials. Hope to find some help over here.
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You need to ask a bit more detailed.

Unless you do not provide detailed information, its a bit hard to help. And what part failed and why?

Best practice to start: Search this forum and learn from similar posts.
ok, understand.
I will try: Lets start with Raid 1: First it was 2x 120Gb Raid. I changed it to 2x 960GB and extended the virtual Volume in HW Raid menue. /dev/sda disk is now 893.75 Gb. Up to here everything is clear. Now I start to not understand Proxmox/Linux storage stuff. I would like to adapt Proxmox storage to the adjusted diks size.
In LVM I can see "pve" (110.75Gb) on /dev/sda3 and on LVM-Thin I can see data (59.59Gb). Not sure what else is needed...
* Usually you would need to resize the partition where your pve - VG is on (you can use parted for that after installing it with `apt install parted` - check its man-page `man parted).
* after extending the partition you need to run pvresize to increase the available space (see e.g. [0] for a short howto)
* last you need to expand the thin-pool (keep in mind to also increase the metadata - otherwise you can lose your data) - see our wiki at [1]

I hope this explains it

Thx a lot. Unfortunately I'm not able to follow you. I will backup everything and reinstall Proxmox.