On a root server with one NIC I set up Proxmox VE 8.1.4 with two SDN simple zones, so I have three bridges configured: vmbr0 connected to eno1 with public IP, dmznet with SNAT and subnet for nginx reverse proxy. Third bridge is labnet for the application containers. To set up direct ssh communication to the lab containers from the developers machines I added a port forwarding rule on the proxmost host like so:
Is there a better way to achieve this using a SDN custom rule, and if so, where should I place that - on datacenter level, host level, or container level?
iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -i vmbr0 -p tcp --dport 37122 -j DNAT --to
Is there a better way to achieve this using a SDN custom rule, and if so, where should I place that - on datacenter level, host level, or container level?