Hi: Trying to figure out how to customize Proxmox 2.0 Installer CD with the following additions: 1) xserver, any lightweight DE (like LXDE and i3) and a few other customized packages. 2)To be installed on an ext2 partition to avoid journalling in a flash disk I know of using lb-config and lb-build scripts to build a customized debian installer, but how can that be achieved with Proxmox VE 2.x ISOs? I read here (https://git.proxmox.com/?p=pve-common.git;a=blob_plain;f=README.dev;hb=HEAD) the PM development instructions, but not how to create either an installer or a live usb image which can be dd-ed directly to any flash or usb stick. Any pointers would be highly appreciated. Thanks for the nice work again!