Alright, super noob here to bear with me. But this is my backup sever that's also serving as my practice server before migrating everything to it from my truenas server. I just need to have my entire TANK visible on SMB of which i'm following this youtube tutorial and i'm good up to the 12:37 mark haha. This is the most basic and boring proxmox install/use i'm sure but it literally is a temporary holding area while my main server is being built and i went with proxmox assuming it was good to have the same OS for easy syncing. (eventually this "beta" server will be at a different location but that's another project for another time).
I got some help figuring out how to have this backup server (full of non-vital data) to be Raid0 on reddit. That went great. proxmox shows a zfs poool and it's named "tank."
I ran
Am I stupid? or am I asking for something that cannot exist? (screenshot to show (maybe?) useful info about zfs pool).
thanks in advance to anyone willing to help a noob out
I got some help figuring out how to have this backup server (full of non-vital data) to be Raid0 on reddit. That went great. proxmox shows a zfs poool and it's named "tank."
I ran
systemctl enable zfs-import@tank
and it seems to be fine? enabled intel IMMU according to this similar post which also worked i think? But nothing i do is allowing me to discover my tank pool inside any VM/CT when under the Resources/mount point page. Storages only shows local and local-lvm. I referred to this guide about adding this but it also says "This isn’t passing the disk through directly so it’s not a good idea to use ZFS or raid on the passed through disks" which has me confused... Am I stupid? or am I asking for something that cannot exist? (screenshot to show (maybe?) useful info about zfs pool).
thanks in advance to anyone willing to help a noob out