Uploaded 1095 chunks in 5 seconds.
Time per request: 4571 microseconds.
TLS speed: 917.49 MB/s
SHA256 speed: 599.43 MB/s
Compression speed: 1684.74 MB/s
Decompress speed: 4631.42 MB/s
AES256/GCM speed: 3236.10 MB/s
│ Name │ Value │
│ TLS (maximal backup upload speed) │ 917.49 MB/s (133%) │
│ SHA256 checksum computation speed │ 599.43 MB/s (28%) │
│ ZStd level 1 compression speed │ 1684.74 MB/s (78%) │
│ ZStd level 1 decompression speed │ 4631.42 MB/s (57%) │
│ AES256 GCM encryption speed │ 3236.10 MB/s (85%) │
with current git master on an i9-10900X
there were quite some improvements on the TLS throughput side which are available up to pbstest / pve-no-subscription:
- proxmox-backup-client/server 0.8.15-1
- proxmox-backup-qemu 0.7.0-1
would be curious to see results from those that were previously affected by low TLS speedtest results!