"hostname 'pbs' does not resolves to any non-loopback address" after upgrade pbs2 > pbs3


Jul 17, 2020
I'm running PBS in a debian LXC on top of PVE.

The PBS container is set to DHCP, with the IP reserved at the DHCP server.

After upgrading PVE7 to PVE8, and subsequently PBS2 to PBS3, the PBS container gives the error "hostname 'pbs' does not resolves to any non-loopback address" after boot (console). When I `pct` into the LXC, it has received the correct IP and has full internet connectivity. Setting the IPv4 to static for the LXC resolves the problem.

hostname (pbs) is set correctly in /etc/hostname, ethernet interface is set correctly when changed through the PVE web UI (either dhcp or static).

`ping pbs` results in pinging when the LXC is set to DHCP, but results in pinging the correct internal IP address when set to static.

Any idea where I should look to solve this problem? I'd rather not re-create the LXC, or set the IP staticly (current workaround)
The IP address in /etc/hosts changes based on DHCP/static IP

Code:       localhost
::1             localhost ip6-localhost ip6-loopback
ff02::1         ip6-allnodes
ff02::2         ip6-allrouters
# --- BEGIN PVE ---
<IP here> pbs.mydomain.com pbs
# --- END PVE ---

the <IP here> part is the proper internal IP when set to static, but is when set to DHCP. replaced my domain name with 'mydomain.com' for privacy's sake.