can you try another thing:
keep no-hpet, and change this (same QemuServer.pm file)
if ($winversion >= 7) {
push @$cpuFlags , 'hv_relaxed';
if ($winversion >= 7) {
push @$cpuFlags , 'hv_relaxed';
push @$cpuFlags , 'hv_synic';
push @$cpuFlags , 'hv_stimer';
then restart pvedaemon and stop/start vm .
. Before we had the drivers installed from virtio-win-0.1.141.iso.virtio-win-0.1.172.iso
(Fedora releases site) from the former 0.1.160, but things didn't change. My procedure was to upgrade all the drivers from the "Device management" Win10 panel, maybe I missed one of the VirtIO drivers.Local Computer Policy
⌞ Computer Configuration
⌞ Administrative Templates
⌞ Windows Components
⌞ Remote Desktop Service
⌞ Remote Desktop Session Host
⌞ Remote Session Environment
⌞ Use WDDM graphics display driver for Remote Desktop Connections
I am new to proxmo and have the same problem for weeks now.How did you change OS Type to other ? Can you post the solution in English plzI have the same Problem and a solution (for me).
I post it here in the german subforum: https://forum.proxmox.com/threads/windows-10-hohe-idle-cpu-auslastung.44530/
My Win10 Guest already has ~16% Cpu Load @idle.
I changed the OS Type to "other" and now it hast ~3% idle load.
This kvm options fail with set to other:
-global kvm-pit.lost_tick_policy=discard
You can test this and report back.
You can change that under YourNode -> YourVM -> Options -> OS TypeHow did you change OS Type to other ?
It's 2023, running Proxmox 8.0 now.I also had this issue on PVE 6.2
I realized it happens only on Windows 2016 and not in 2019 and only when I have my CPU Type to "Host" and try to distribute the cores among more than one CPU Socket.
For example, I had this setting on one of my machines:
CPU Type: Host
Socket: 2
Cores: 3
total cores available to the VM: 6
I constantly had 20-30% CPU usage overhead by System in the windows.
As soon as I change the CPU type to default KVM64, or change the socket to 1 and apply all cores from a single socket, the issue went away.
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