Hello i have ordered an One additional IP & and a subnet /29
the subnets works but the one additional IP does not work i cant get internet connection om my vm with 144.**.***.59
this is my setup
any help is much appreciated
the problem was that the ip had a virtual mac adress assigned to the ip
after removing the mac address from hetzner i got a network connection
the subnets works but the one additional IP does not work i cant get internet connection om my vm with 144.**.***.59
this is my setup
auto lo
iface lo inet loopback
iface lo inet6 loopback
auto enp3s0
iface enp3s0 inet static
address 144.**.***.42/32
gateway 144.**.***.33
pointopoint 144.**.***.33
iface enp3s0 inet6 static
address 2a01:4******/64
gateway fe80::1
auto vmbr0
iface vmbr0 inet static
address 144.**.***.42/32
bridge-ports none
bridge-stp off
bridge-fd 0
bridge_maxwait 0
iface vmbr0 inet6 static
address 2a01:4f8:200:421a::2/64
up ip route add 144.**.***.59/32 dev vmbr0 #THIS DOES NOT WORK
up ip route add 136.***.***.160/32 dev vmbr0
up ip route add 136.***.***.161/32 dev vmbr0
up ip route add 136.***.***.162/32 dev vmbr0
up ip route add 136.***.***.163/32 dev vmbr0
up ip route add 136.***.***.164/32 dev vmbr0
up ip route add 136.***.***.165/32 dev vmbr0
up ip route add 136.***.***.166/32 dev vmbr0
up ip route add 136.***.***.167/32 dev vmbr0
any help is much appreciated
the problem was that the ip had a virtual mac adress assigned to the ip
after removing the mac address from hetzner i got a network connection
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