Help with re-installing Grub on my Proxmox 3.4


Renowned Member
Apr 13, 2012

I upgraded my Proxmox from 3.1 to 3.4. During the upgrade I was asked to re-install grub and pick one. Stupid me didn't and said no. Then when I rebooted my Proxmox is now broken most likely due to Grub.

So I've loaded up through my IPMI the Proxmox 3.2 .iso and I've been able to get to the console (after error CTRL-D). I'm at the command line and I've figured out where grub files are (/mnt/usr/sbin/). I've been searching the forums for an answer.

This wiki says I can use the debugging from the Proxmox .iso (which I've now got into). But it doesn't say How to fix Grub? -

This post says to use upgrade-from-grub-legacy - I get an error that upgrade-from-grub-legacy cannot be found (yet I do see it in the /mnt/usr/sbin folder).

This looked promising but using update-grub and grub-install both come back wtih errors in line 3: gub-mkconfig: not found -

This post suggested I use Boot Repair Disk. So I downloaded boot repair disk and loaded it up in my ipmi and I've booted into it. It found my boot partition which is promising...but it needs internet to finish? How do I connect Internet from the LiveCD?

I'm beginning to think using the Proxmox .iso is not the way to fix this?

Any ideas please on what the proper steps are to re-install/fix grub on Proxmox 3.4?

Thank you,
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Hi All,

Sorry for not responding sooner to update the forum on my issue and subsequent fix.

In the end I was not successful in repairing Grub on my Server. Try as I might nothing was working. I had taken a backup of all my VM's prior to the upgrade so a re-install was the fastest option for me to get up and running again. For future reference this blog looked very promising to fix it although in my case it didn't...but I'll post it here in case it helps someone else:

I also wanted to take this time to thank Wasim at Symmcom for his assistance. He was immensely helpful in my investigation with my Grub issues. Had I given him more time to assist I'm sure a solution could have been found. In my case since I had no data on that particular Proxmox Server I opted for a re-install. But I highly encourage anyone looking for paid support for Proxmox to give Symmcom a call and discuss their support options. Wasim and his team provide excellent customer support for all your Proxmox needs!