Help Configuration/ Ayuda configurando

Azazel Mendoza

New Member
May 6, 2019
---------------------- Ingles -------------------------------

Good evening / afternoon I have a huge doubt, I am new with the pmg even though not with pve
My question is the following:

I have my mail server in debian 9 with postfix dovecot and roundcube is functional, but I want to filter the emails by spam and viruses I decided to install the PMG but now my question is how do I get my incoming and outgoing emails to pass before the pgm where I configure that?

first of all, Thanks

---------------------------------- Español --------------------------------
Buenas noches/tardes tengo una enorme duda, soy nuevo con el pmg aun que no con pve
mi duda es la siguiente:

tengo mi servidor de correo en debian 9 con postfix dovecot y roundcube esta funcional, pero quiero filtrar los correos por el spam y virus decidi instalar el PMG pero ahora mi duda es como hago que mis correos entrantes y salientes pasen antes por el pgm donde configuro eso?

de ante mano gracias
Please check out the Admin Guide (especially chapter 2 Planning for Deployment) -

Usually PMG is running by itself, it is configured as the MX of the domain you want to receive mails for and then hands them to your destination server, which you configure in the GUI (Mail Proxy -> Transports)

Hope this helps!
I have similar situation. My infrastructure looks like
INTERNET = ROUTER (port forward 25)= MAIL_SERVER
I assumed that I need install PMG between Router and Mail_Server where Mail_Server will be relay_host for PMG and router should forward 25 port to PMG

If yes, then I wondering why PMG cant delivery mail to my mail server.
That sounds odd:
where Mail_Server will be relay_host for PMG
The relayhost is what PMG (actually) postfix uses when it would send out email via smtp, and has no more specific config.
usually you enter your relay domains in the GUI and add a transport (or set the default transport in the GUI)

also you need to make sure that PMG knows where to find your mail_server (i.e. if you don't have an internal dns-server resolving it correctly and no entry in /etc/hosts, and don't use an ip-address PMG will try to resolv the mailserver and send to the public ip - which could end up in a loop (assuming you're using some kind of NAT)

hope this helps!
Ok, so I have configured it as you say but PMG only connect to my postfix and want leave any message. I according to youtube tutorial ( I configured default relay and domains relay. I thought it will be more easier :D
yupi !! i solved my problem.
1. Actual infrastructure
Public IP -> router -> - PMG - Postfix

2. Situation before
Like you can assumed, I have had port forwarded to my mail_server, then i installed PMG

3. Mistake under installation
I make mistake while I installining PMG because installator ask me about domain and i set it to name of my mail server. So when i sniffing my network on mail server i saw something like this
T 2019/06/04 13:59:53.087236 -> [AP]
220 mail.my_domain ESMTP Postfix (Ubuntu).

T 2019/06/04 13:59:53.087981 -> [AP]
EHLO mail.my_domain

T 2019/06/04 13:59:53.088169 -> [AP]
250-SIZE 10240000.
250 DSN.

T 2019/06/04 13:59:53.216440 -> [AP]

T 2019/06/04 13:59:53.217185 -> [AP]
221 2.0.0 Bye.

4. Solution
I dont very familiar with mail protocols but i thought there is some issue with names, so I logged in mail server and edit /etc/hosts and add gw gw.my_domain
Then I logged to PMG and change hostname in /etc/hosts, /etc/hostname /etc/postfix/main.cnf, after that i restart server. VOILA ! It works now.