My PX/Ceph HA cluster with three nodes (PX1 PX2 PX3) needed a RAM upgrade so I shut down PX1, did my work, and powered it back up. Back at my desk I took a look at the management GUI and saw "Nodes online: 3" despite PX2 and PX3's icons in the left-hand panel showing "offline". That's odd, I thought, so I logged into the GUI from PX2 to see if it was because PX1 hadn't synced yet. Looked the same, but Ceph was showing PX2 and PX3s OSDs were offline. Odd that it would show PX2s OSDs were offline when that's the computer I was on. The VM that was on PX1 was now on PX3, as I expected, but now when I try to start any VMs the task log just shows "CT 100 - Start" for infinity and my ability to manage the other nodes goes away. Most confusingly, logging into the GUI on node PX2 and trying to manage PX2, the very server I'm on in the first place, results in time out errors. I tried rebooting all three physical machines as well as "pvestatd restart" but I can't get everything to sync again.